~ who we are ~















~ who we are ~



who we are

jana gamble (she/her)

founder & creative director

Jana Gamble

Jana has over 13 years of experience in Branding, Graphic Design and Web Design, and has become an expert in crafting effective Brand Identities for companies across many industries.

In 2021, Jana received the Indigo Design Award for her design of “The Affinity Principle.”

She is passionate about the environment and human health, and has recently served as the Marketing Director for the Amazon Aid Foundation.

After performing relevant market research, Jana evaluates and develops your brand identity and marketing plan through a holistic lens. She considers not only your visual identity, but also your brand messaging in order to establish brand recognition and maintain brand integrity.

Jana spends her free time exploring intuitive art, which she uses as a method of self inquiry. You can see Jana’s art here.

In 2021, Jana and her family traveled over 20,000 miles, including a South Pacific Ocean crossing in a 38-foot sailing catamaran.

grant gamble (he/him)

business strategy & development

Grant is a highly respected business person and entrepreneur, as well as a mindful leader who builds successful teams by inspiring the hearts and minds of the people he works with.

He was responsible for the rebranding and development of acac Fitness & Wellness Centers, beginning this process in 1997. Acac is Grant’s pioneer concept of a sanctuary fitness & wellness environment for people of all ages and fitness levels that provides facilities and programming that can keep anyone moving and healthy.

Grant is also a best-selling author of “The Affinity Principle”, a noted speaker and consultant in the areas of business and mindful leadership.  He recently served as the COO of the Seraphic Group, a business incubator that spans the gamut of health, energy, education, and ecology. Grant was able to increase Seraphic’s revenue 10 x in less than two years.

Visit Grant’s Website >

contact us

Brisbane, Australia
+61 475 749 095